Tuesday, July 19, 2005

West Virginia Sock Monkeys Unite

I didn't make it to Flatwoods for the organizational meeting of the West Virginia Sock Monkey Association, but, boy, was I excited to hear about the event. It's time that sock monkeys have a chance to voice their opinion. You can read about that meeting and about our president, West Virginia Sock Monkey, here at http://wvsockmonkey.blogspot.com/.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Artie the Sock Monkey. I think I 'm a sibling to West Virginia Sock Monkey, because we share the same last name, "Sock Monkey." Also, I, too, was born a few months ago in somone's sewing room in West Virginia. Coincidence? I think not!

Although some sock monkeys are political, I really am not, but I'm impressed by WV Sock Monkey's photo with Governor Manchin. I hope I have a chance to meet the governor someday. I think having the sock monkey as West Virginia's state animal instead of the black bear is a great idea. That's a concept I can really get behind!

Here I am with a West Virginia black bear. Don't you think I'm better looking?

I look forward to sending more photos of my activities.

Your friend,
Artie the Sock Monkey


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