Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Top Ten Reasons to Like Sock Monkeys

The controversy about bears and sock monkeys continues. Here are the Top Ten Reasons to Like Sock Monkeys More than Bears:

10. Sock monkeys like to travel.
9. Sock monkeys contribute to the economy of West Virginia.
8. Sock monkeys can swing by their tails.
7. Sock monkeys don’t shed.
6. Sock monkeys are more intelligent than bears.
5. Sock monkeys have a keen appreciation for art.
4. Sock monkeys don’t eat garbage.
3. Sock monkeys are kind to babies and children.
2. Sock monkeys are good listeners.

And, the number one reason to like sock monkeys better than bears is:
1. Sock monkeys are more convivial than bears!


*framed art by Rob Cleland


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My husband and I are dressing up as sock monkeys for our big halloween party we have every year. It's a big thing that everyone makes their own costume. Have you ever come accross any costume ideas, or how they made them?

10:46 PM  
Blogger Artie the Sock Monkey said...

Yes, first you start with two giant Red Heel socks bigger than you or your husband. Then, it is easy. You just cut out and sew the classic sock monkey pattern. If you are successful, you may both be eligible to join the WV Sock Monkey Association.
Yours truly,

10:16 PM  

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