Saturday, July 30, 2005

Sock Moc

Today I put on a pair of moccasins by Lana Yates and joined the Mary Ingles Celebration at Tamarack. From Jayne Humphries, I learned how to weave baskets; from Craig Ferrell, I learned to knap flint to make arrowheads; from David Bragg, I picked up carving wood; and Danny Robertson showed me how to scrimshaw powderhorns. There were all kinds of activities today. James Alexander Thom and Dark Rain Thom were signing their books. I watched Jude Miller's video, The Captive. I visited the tepee that Allen and Ronnie Hamrick set up in the courtyard for a learning lodge. Tomorrow (July 31), Allen Hamrick will play his flute and tell stories. Karen Vuranch will appear on stage as Mary Draper Ingles for Sunday@2. Mostly, though, I just like wearing my moccasins. When you're a sock monkey, it can be difficult to find comfortable shoes!
Your friend, Artie

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Friends of Sock Monkeys

Since Tamarack is the self-proclaimed "Unofficial Home" of the West Virginia sock monkey, I'm sure my friends there will be happy to endorse a Friends of Sock Monkeys group. You'd be surprised. I've already recruited two members. Please post your comment, if you want to join, too! Your friend, Artie

Friday, July 22, 2005

Sock Monkey Picnic

WV Sock Monkey is a little bummed about his lost opportunity:

Don't feel sad, WV Sock Monkey. You can come to my picnic, if Mr. Blankenship forgot to invite you to his. As you can see, I have plenty of extra food and sock monkeys are very generous as well as convivial. We can have our own rides, too!


Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Tamarack: The Best of West Virginia Sock Monkeys

First, I want to thank WV Sock Monkey for the convivial welcome. He makes me proud to be a sock monkey.

The nice people at Tamarack tell me that they are the "Unofficial Home of the West Virginia Sock Monkey." In nine years they have helped over 1,700 sock monkeys find homes all over the United States! I wonder where all those guys are living today...

I visited Tamarack and found it to be a very sock monkey friendly environment. I went bananas over what I found in the Food Court!

Your friend,


Artie Posted by Picasa

West Virginia Sock Monkeys Unite

I didn't make it to Flatwoods for the organizational meeting of the West Virginia Sock Monkey Association, but, boy, was I excited to hear about the event. It's time that sock monkeys have a chance to voice their opinion. You can read about that meeting and about our president, West Virginia Sock Monkey, here at

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Artie the Sock Monkey. I think I 'm a sibling to West Virginia Sock Monkey, because we share the same last name, "Sock Monkey." Also, I, too, was born a few months ago in somone's sewing room in West Virginia. Coincidence? I think not!

Although some sock monkeys are political, I really am not, but I'm impressed by WV Sock Monkey's photo with Governor Manchin. I hope I have a chance to meet the governor someday. I think having the sock monkey as West Virginia's state animal instead of the black bear is a great idea. That's a concept I can really get behind!

Here I am with a West Virginia black bear. Don't you think I'm better looking?

I look forward to sending more photos of my activities.

Your friend,
Artie the Sock Monkey